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Snow globe

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Sometimes it feels like everything is mixed up and swirling around and inside, so many thoughts and often overwhelming, like being in the midst of a snow globe.

If you can find a way to sit with those thoughts, recognise that they are just that…. Thoughts, not real things, but constructs of our imagination, based on our past and projecting out into the future and not always in a good way! Then sometimes its possible to let them settle and see them for what they are…. to be able to allow calm in, to allow the nervous system to settle.

Christmas seems a good a time as any to remember that as babies we are born into the world deserving of love, it is our birthright and though hard to hold onto sometimes, I still believe that to be true as we grow into adults.

So whether the thoughts are swirling around and inside you, or whether you have managed to slow down and recognise them for what they are, there you are In the middle of the snow globe, perfection without the need to do anything at all.

For all of my clients past, present and future I hope that you find the time to connect with that feeling of love, of self-love this holiday season.

Published on 1/12/2019Back
Dani Dennington
Email me 01844 261 22307932 793 135
I have helped clients with:
  1. Confidence & Motivation
  2. Decision making
  3. Goal setting
  4. Relaxation & Self-Hypnosis
  5. Life Coaching
  6. Improved Relationships
  7. Confident Childbirth
  8. Managing Anxiety & Stress
  9. Public Speaking 
  10. Depression
  11. Phobias and Fears
  12. Panic attacks
  13. Insomnia
  14. Unwanted habits & more
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