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Do something

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I really love my job, but the one thing I am noticing a lot with any of my clients is that they don’t and that they are ignoring all the signs of stress, anxiety etc that is their body's way of trying to alert them to this fact.

Now I know that for many people it's not possible to make big sweeping changes in their job just like that, but it is often possible to do something, whether it's giving something back to their community, joining a choir or doing some sport or even just taking a walk sometimes, preferably in daylight.

If your body and/or mind are experiencing stress, then doing something, however, small can have a huge impact, so that if you cannot make the big changes or don’t feel brave enough to take a leap, just take a step, do one small thing each day to move you towards the way you want to be (a wise teacher once told me this and it was the best piece of advice I’ve probably ever had about change) because what holds us back is what we see when we look at our possible future, rather than the future we might have if we just let go of the story we tell ourselves that is based on those old stories from the past

Published on 3/11/2014Back
Dani Dennington
Email me 01844 261 22307932 793 135
I have helped clients with:
  1. Confidence & Motivation
  2. Decision making
  3. Goal setting
  4. Relaxation & Self-Hypnosis
  5. Life Coaching
  6. Improved Relationships
  7. Confident Childbirth
  8. Managing Anxiety & Stress
  9. Public Speaking 
  10. Depression
  11. Phobias and Fears
  12. Panic attacks
  13. Insomnia
  14. Unwanted habits & more
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