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Are you planting seeds or weeds

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I was listening to a podcast last week, where Russell Brand interviewed Jay Shetty and it was full of great insights, there were two words that have stuck with me since listening to it and that is that when you wake in the morning (or at any time when you have a moment to reflect)

Be aware of your thoughts about the day and as you acknowledge each one, ask yourself ‘Are they seeds or weeds?’

If something is a seed, feed it and find a way to help it to grow, if it is a weed, ask yourself how you might turn it into a seed (some weeds are beautiful!) and create something from it that is useful, or just let it go.

I love anything that is simple to remember and use, so that I can pass it onto my clients and friends and more importantly that I can use it myself.

…….as an extension of those thoughts….
‘The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Be patient. Be humble. Keep moving forward and know that all this hard work you’re putting in day in and day out WILL produce the results you’ve been looking for. Your time is coming. Do not give up.’ Anon

Published on 9/08/2019Back
Dani Dennington
Email me 01844 261 22307932 793 135
I have helped clients with:
  1. Confidence & Motivation
  2. Decision making
  3. Goal setting
  4. Relaxation & Self-Hypnosis
  5. Life Coaching
  6. Improved Relationships
  7. Confident Childbirth
  8. Managing Anxiety & Stress
  9. Public Speaking 
  10. Depression
  11. Phobias and Fears
  12. Panic attacks
  13. Insomnia
  14. Unwanted habits & more
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